Product & Quality

Target & Commitments

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2021, the CO2 footprint of the DWK Life Sciences Group was 11,000t CO2e. DWK Life Sciences has set this as the baseline for all future assessments and improvement projects. The management team has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions of Scope 1 and Scope 2 by at least 50% by the year 2030
  • Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 30% by 2030
  • Become CO2 neutral by the year 2050


  • The application of the most modern melting technology
  • Energy Efficiency Programs
  • Use of Renewable Energy & Installation of photovoltaic modules
  • Decarbonization of Tier 1 suppliers

Achievements to Date:

  • Tank rebuild and modernization in the production plants Mainz & Pula in 2022
  • Energy efficiency projects including lighting, heating and process energy
  • Globally harmonized reporting of emissions and corrective actions

Clean Water

DWK Life Sciences is committed to the responsible management of water resources. It is our goal to withdraw and discharge as little as possible. We make efforts to ensure that water is not degraded and take action to prevent any accidental contamination or pollution.

The hydrolytic resistance of borosilicate glass forms a protective layer of hydrated silica when it comes into contact with water, preventing leachables and water contamination.

Water management is a global initiative that requires local action. It involves a set of tasks that are monitored and continuously reviewed, including:

Clean Water Targets:

  • Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) and a Good Water Stewardship certification by 2030.
  • Reduce water intake by 10% by 2030 compared to the baseline level of 2021

Activities to ensure clean water:

  • The control of discharge water into natural environments
  • Not degrading water quality
  • The avoidance of competition with local populations for the access to drinking water

Achievements to Date:

  • Align all production sites to the ISO 14001 requirements for management of water
  • Ensure that the sewage and the ground water is protected from spills or in the event of a fire

Sustainable Consumption and Production

DWK Life Sciences acknowledges the fact that our planet provided us with an abundance of natural resources. These resources need to be utilized responsibly. We must constantly learn and develop new ideas to manufacture products in sustainable ways and reverse the harm that mankind has inflicted on the planet.

There is a register for the management of chemicals and waste at all DWK Life Sciences sites. The integrated management system supports the ISO 14001 norm and we are now expanding the policies to all sites within the group.

DWK Life Sciences is committed to sustainable practices and to integrating sustainability information into reporting cycles.

Targets include:

  • Establish group wide audits and compliance certification of ISO14001
  • Publish an annual sustainabilty report

Activities and initiatives:

  • Develop new sustainable products
  • Reduce packaging and replace plastic with other more sustainable materials (e.g. cardboard)
  • Ensure sustainable transport & travel
  • Develop a recycling system for existing products

Achievements to Date:

  • Replace current packaging with recyclable trays
  • Management of chemicals and produced waste
  • Sustainable products & materials
  • Use of up to 70% recycled glass

Clean Energy

DWK Life Sciences initially established an energy management system in 2011 and has been working constantly to save energy during the manufacture of Borosilicate Glass 3.3. The main energy source for the DWK Life Sciences melting tanks is electricity. The company has a long history of operating electrically powered glass melting tanks. DWK Life Sciences was one of the first glass manufacturers to transition to 100% electrically powered melting tanks, thereby ensuring glass melting is taking place in one of the most efficient and energy friendly ways possible.

Clean Energy Targets:

  • DWK Life Sciences intends to replace 50% of all energy sources with renewable energy by 2030

Activities to reduce Energy Consumption  and enhance the use of Clean Energy

  • Transition from natural gas to electricity and a substitution with hydrogen
  • Increased use of green electricity
  • Installation of photovoltaic modules

Achievements to Date:

  • Replacement of natural gas operated burners
  • 100% electrically powered melting tanks
  • Sucessfully completed Energy Saving projects

DWK's Contribution to UN SDG's

DWK's sustainable development objectives are in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which include:

  • Improving global health and well-being
  • Promoting gender equality
  • Encouraging responsible consumption and production practices
  • Taking action to address climate change

Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Topics

The material topics identified and based on ESG are climate change and energy conservation, health and safety measures related to product stewardship, water conservation and management, air emissions reduction, waste reduction and resource efficiency, and upholding human rights, promoting employment, and ensuring diversity.